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  • What Are the Best Time-Saving AI Tools to Use in Marketing?

What Are the Best Time-Saving AI Tools to Use in Marketing?

This article is updated as Generative AI continues to evolve

Let’s face it, online marketing has evolved a lot in the 10 years I’ve been in this industry.  But there are a few things that will go out of style and others that you need to adapt to.  Marketing principles, like urgency, FOMO (fear of missing out), scarcity, risk reversal, these marketing elements have been around since anyone ever sold a single thing to another human.  They will never change.  What is changing is the speed at which we do business.  There are diminishing returns with every dollar you spend on marketing especially with customer’s shortening attention spans and the onslaught of marketing messages.  

So when it comes to marketing there are innumerable tasks you need to organize your workflows and systems.  That’s where AI has swooped in to enhance and replace some of these tasks to make your life easier.  They need to work for you and seamlessly integrate into your existing processes, be easy to adopt across teams and they need to be user-friendly.  Because ultimately we’re trying to save time to become more creative, not get lost in the how-to guides.

Let’s jump right in. 

Where to Use AI Tools in Marketing

First where can we use AI to help us grow our businesses?

Paid Ads copy - platforms like Google ads are already integrating machine learning into their and have been doing this for years 

Social media marketing - once you’ve created copy that connects and you ened to batch create (more on this below), you cna remix your copy in tools like Chat GPT to help yo say the same thing in a new fresh way, with human

SEO keyword analysis/article creation - Keyword research tools are getting expensive these days, you can use AI to help find untapped keywords to score more traffic before anyone else does

Here’s how I use AI tools in my marketing to help reduce content creation time and free up that mental space to be more creative.

Currently I'm almost daily using our own platform do to:

How to Use ChatGPT For Social Media Marketing Content

Okay this one is the OG of AI - it has burst on the AI scene and changed the game.  With ChatGPT you can take existing data and summarize it, remix existing copywriting (please don’t use it to write copy unless you're willing to edit it to make it your own because I am not looking forward to seeing a glut of AI writing all over the interwebs) and even brainstorm ideas for you.  

Here’s how I use ChatGPT to create social media content.

The ChatGPT Prompt:

I want you to do some research for me, act as an Instagram and Pinterest social media expert marketer. 

Tell me 10 frustrations, 10 desires and 10 fears and put them in a table format. 

Label X axis as 1 to 10, and Y axis as frustrations, desires and fears.  

Audience: Solopreneurs who do their own marketing experience 

Area of Focus: Service-based business






Lack of time

Attracting ideal clients

Not gaining enough clients


Limited budget

Growing their audience

Failing to meet client expectations


Technical challenges

Creating engaging content

Negative reviews or feedback


Keeping up with trends

Building brand awareness

Burnout or overwork


Consistent posting

Increasing engagement



Understanding analytics

Boosting sales

Losing clients


Content creation

Automating processes

Social media algorithm changes


Finding inspiration

Achieving work-life balance

Legal or compliance issues


Engaging with followers

Networking with peers

Cybersecurity threats


Managing multiple platforms

Receiving positive feedback

Platform outages or bans

Not bad! Over time you’ll want to refine your prompts with more specificity especially as your business grows and you work with more clients.  Some you'll want more of, others you’ll want to move away from if they’re not the right fit.

ChatGPT can help create this content that bring potential clients into your sales funnel and start self- selecting based on your marketing messages. 

Try it for yourself!

Grammar Checks Using AI

I’ve already said that ChatGPT is not to be used for straight up copywriting.  But another tool altogether can help when you’ve already gotten something down on the page. 

When you install a grammar check AI tool like Grammarly or another AI assistance you’re instantly prompted as you’re writing to make adjustments to improve your clarity, grammar and concision.  It's super easier to use and you can check it out here.

AI Meeting Assistant and Notetaker

You might be wondering why would you add an AI meeting assistant and notetaker as part of my marketing tech stack.  It’s because I absolutely hate hate HAAAATE taking notes.  I hate it with the passion of a thousand suns.  As someone with ADHD and a wandering mind, I sometimes miss crucial points, need people to repeat themselves because of a lovely little thing called auditory processing disorder and I just plain don’t like taking notes. Have I mentioned I hate taking notes? 

So along comes AI to record all my meetings, transcribe the entire thing instantly AND gives me next steps and action points.  Are you kidding? Guys, it’s a good time to be alive.  The future is here and I am loving this.  I seriously never thought this wondrous thing would show up in my life and kind…save me.  From boring note taking.

Client work, getting their requirements, the instant transcript that I mentioned, a summary.  Come on!  I would literally spend an hour organizing, formatting and overthinking my notes after calls just to make sure I didn’t miss anything and now I don’t have to.  Glory hallelujah! Can I get an AMEN up in here.

Those are some tools I use now, I’ll definitely be adding to this and experimenting like a MOFO with AI Tools because who does not want to be faster and more efficient so they can reduce the cognitive load to be…more…creative? This moi.  The one I use is Fathom (not an affiliate link).

There are a lot of time sucky marketing tasks that can drive you crazy if you don't have the systems set up.  But now that AI is virtually embedded in every piece of software we use throughout our workflows.  

Remember, implementation is everything, so go try out some AI tools for tasks you're already doing.  You might find a new way of doing something, even tweaks can save your hours over time.  

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